Monday, February 14, 2011

Best Picture Nominee


The King's Speech:

  1. Literary-Developed a believable and understandable progress and friendship

  2. Theatrical-Strong cast

  3. Cinematic-Composition of shots strengthened performance

  4. Why where it is- Best overall "score"

  5. Writing- Based on true story

The Social Network:

  1. Literary-Interesting back and forth that starts to make more and more sense

  2. Theatrical-Main character perfect part

  3. Cinematic-Effective use of lighting to show location

  4. Why where it is- Fairly good overall rating and not as depressing as other movies

  5. Writing- A bit confusing but used to their advantage

Winter's Bone:

  1. Literary-A bit too simple, used "depressed and emotionless" in an almost lazy way

  2. Theatrical-I applaud the neighbors more than the main character

  3. Cinematic-Good setting, felt real

  4. Why where it is- I enjoyed it but it was probably my least favorite of the ones that I enjoyed

  5. Writing-Clear but uncreative

Ranked Reviews

1. The King's Speech-This is my favorite movie out of all of the Best Picture Nominees because this movie topped all the other movies in every way possible. To start, the literary elements were wonderful, slowly building his friendship and success with speech. Starting from blindly seeking help via his wife, to become life long friends, supporting each other through it all. Next, the theatrical cast was excellent. The king was great at stuttering and the frustration and anxiety seemed so prevalent. The King's wife had the perfect mix of stuck up and charm, and Lionel was genuinely caring, wanting to help. Also, the cinematic elements were very strong. I love art and was very impressed with the compositions of each scene and the way they used composition to help express themselves better. An example of this was the long hallways that would help build anticipation and suspense, especially before the final speech toward the end of the film. I thought the writing was excellent and did a good job of expressing this true story in an inspirational way. A comparison that I could make with another film to show that this film deserves to be the best would be comparing to the Social Network. That movie was criticized for not being authentic and The King's Speech's writing simple seemed less dramatic and more realistic. This was a great movie overall and I highly recommend it.

2. Toy Story 3- This movie made it higher on my list as well because I respect a well put together non-depressing movie. It is so easy to be taken seriously in a serious movie, but a fun childhood classic is one in a million. This literary elements were strong. Pixar always has a creative way to tell a cute childhood story about toys. I liked the more current element in the writing by making the kid grow up, just about at the same time where the kids that fell in love with that movie in childhood, were getting ready to go off to college. At the same time, even after all those years, the writing style seemed to stay fairly consistent. The theatrical elements were great, but that kind of comes with the animated territory. Not surprising for animation. The cinematic elements were also nice, for an animated film. The different visual perspectives were unique to the small toys which added to the authenticity of the story. In comparison to True Grit, this "western" (I say that lightly) was much less dramatic in an annoying way, in contradiction to what I felt about True Grit. This was a fun movie and I would also recommend seeing this movie.

3. The Social Network- This movie was impressive but was seemed a bit unrealistic which is why it made it lower on the list. The literary elements were unique. For example, changing the scenes depending on what was said in the law meetings or just making things confusing in this way, then gradually having things make sense as the movie went on. That was unlike anything I have ever seen before. The theatrical elements were probably some of the best qualities. The man who played Mark was completely believable and the twins were great. Also, Mark's friend could make you feel for him when they were bringing him down and taking advantage of him. On a negative note however, I think Justin Timberlake's roll was a bit lame, and could have been played much better by someone else who wasn't a former N'SYNC member, and maybe a real actor. I felt his power was coming from his real life, and not his acting. The cinematic elements were strong. They definitely played with some things to make people feel a certain way about a scene or give you subliminal information. For example, in the chicken scene, you do not see the chicken until after you have heard it clucking in the background. The writing was a bit lacking in the sense that it has been criticized to be over dramatized from the true story. However, going back to the back-and-forth scenes, that was fairly impressive writing to keep all of that straight, and clear, gradually getting clearer and clearer as the film proceeded. This movie is above winter's bone because you can tell there was a lot more thought but into the outer environment that the characters were living in. I would not tell you that you have to see this movie, but if you are curious, then it would probably be worth watching.

4. Winter's Bone- I found myself feeling more bad for the character's environment that she was living in than admiring the work that the filmmakers put into this movie. The literary elements were a bit slow and I thought the ending ended quite abruptly. Also, I thought it was not very adventurous to be walking up to different neighbors houses to see if they knew were her father was. I would prefer more of an out of normal culture journey. The theatrical elements were strong for some and not so much for others. I thought the main girl could keep a straight face, but she seemed a bit too emotionless for the extremely emotional journey she was going threw. The cinematic elements were cool. The town they were based in was very authentic which I highly admire. The different scenes of chaos really spread through the movie screen and into the viewer's laps. The overall writing was organized and clear but it seemed a bit anticlimactic. I would place this movie above True Grit because its "real" factor was very impressive to me. I would recomend this movie if you were interested for a light thriller.

5. True Grit- This was a sweet movie and it was fun to see a modern day western. The literary elements were very close to a typical western, although there were a few modern day adjustments that were made. An example of this would be that the main character was a girl which is not typical to an original western. Usually, in westerns, women are either a supportive sidekick or a fallen distraction. The theatrical elements were very good. Mattie was perfect for the roll and you could tell that she was older emotionally for her age. The cinematic elements were typical to a western as well. There were many open landscape scenes with one single person in it. The writing was also consistent with a western. For example, the good guy wins, he faces many obstacles, there are gun fights etc... I ranked this movie lower on my scale of best picture nominees soley because I'm not the biggest fan of the western style in general. However, at least this movie was worth watching, unlike my view of inception. If you like westerns, I would highly recomend this movie for you, because I'm sure you would appreciate everything that I did about this movie and more.

6. Inception-When I watched this movie, I personally believe that if I were to fall asleep for the middle hour of this movie, I would still have a perfect understanding of the movie as a whole. To say the least, it was a bit excessive. The literary elements in this movie were confusing, but not in an interesting way, in a frustrating way. The theatrical elements were pretty good. The acting was dramatic and intence. The scene where he goes down to the bottom "floor" of his dreams, I have got to say I was a little scared. The cinematic elements were strong. The graphics and all the effects that were put into it were interesting. The redundancey fo this movie really ruined it for me. It was just simply unneccessarily too long. The writing was not clear, and the style was just too much. I think there is a very small group of people who would appreciate this movie.

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