Tuesday, April 5, 2011


This photo is from my new theme of "Light, what brightens my life". In this photo the subjects are my mom and my dog Henry. I sharpened this photo on photoshop by doing filter>Other>High Pass>Overlay. I also made a few adjustments with brightness, contrast, vibrance, and i used a warming color filter. I like the sky and the contrast with the trees but I wish the houses were'nt so distracting. I thought it was great for my theme that it was a gloomy day becuase a.)the lighting is usually pretty interesting on rainy days, and b.)I thought it was a good contrast that my mom and dog are light in a gloomy day. I think the steeping stones help guide the eye to the subjects and I really like the color of the grass, it does a good job of showing the time of year. I think the rain on the street makes it have an almost silver look to it that I also like. I am happy with the final outcome of this photo.

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